Each week Educational Technology @TTUSD will share a brief summary of classroom highlights, technology tools, current projects, and other miscellany. Visit our Educational Technology Blog often for up-to-date information an tech tools!
1:1 Project Update
Over 250 Students from North Tahoe and Alder Creek Middle schools will start receiving their Google Chromebooks starting on Monday. If you are interested in what a Google Chromebook is, please check out this link: http://goo.gl/PGHB5e
Students will not take their devices home right away, but will be trained in appropriate use
Chromebooks delivered to ACMS
of the internet resources, digital citizenship, and using the Chromebook as a learning tool. Before students are able to bring the device home, parents will need to attend a training event with their students so that agreements and expectations are clear.
A very special thank you to Rachel Wright and Catherine Larkins, librarians at NTS and ACMS, respectively and Sara Colborn, Academic Coach at NTS/HS. They assisted in inventorying and preparing the 250 devices for the classroom.
We are looking forward to a very exciting project year! Stop by one of the schools to see how Chromebooks are being used in the classroom.
Google Apps for Education
Did you know you can create a personal email group from within an email? This is especially helpful if you are trying to recreate a distribution list from Outlook/Exchange now that we are using Google. Check out this Google Gooru video that explains the process: http://goo.gl/KwDkq4
If you have a number of documents to share with someone or a group of people, let's say a content area team or grade level, create a shared folder. Any document you drag into the folder will automatically inherit the permissions and be shared with the group. Check it out! http://goo.gl/834zDXTech Committee
The TTUSD Technology Committee is meeting next Tuesday at the DO from 3:45-5:15. LITEs (Leaders Integrating Technology in Education) from each school site are on the committee as well as school site and District department administrators. There is also a community liaison member from Excellence in Education.
Some of the agenda items include the 8th Grade 1:1 prototype project, iPad Cart management, "standard" classroom equipment, and welcoming our new members (Claudia Jensen - CSA, Trent Kirschner and Kristen Sura - NTS).
Let us know if you have any issues you'd like the committee to discuss!
Blogs of the Week
Mr. Ream, counselor at NTHS is the curator of two blogs. The first is his personal, award winning blog, The Counseling Geek (http://www.thecounselinggeek.com/). Here he has made a name for himself in both the counseling and tech worlds! The second blog is focused on NTHS and getting Lakers the information they need for college and career. Check it out at http://nthscounseling.blogspot.com/
Any other TTUSD bloggers out there? Let us know and we'll feature you on This Week in Tech!
Podcast of the Week
Another great podcast to check out is Jeffrey Bradbury's Teachercast Podcast. Mr. Bradbury is out of New Jersey and always has fresh content available. This weeks episode is titled, Untangling the Web and Finding the Right Tools for your Classroom. Listen to the latest episode and subscribe at: http://goo.gl/vo84MZTTUSD Websites of the Week
Here we will highlight websites of teachers, students, and staff around the district. If you have a website to share, let us know. Thank you for sharing your websites with us!
Ms. Saturno, TWI teacher at KBE is using a website to communicate with her students and parents: http://goo.gl/DZXv5S
Ms. Berelson, K-1 loop teacher has claimed her digital space at: http://www.mrsberelson.us/ love the vanity URL!
Ms. McMullen, 8th grade Humanities teacher at ACMS shares with her classes at: http://msmcclass.weebly.com/
Upcoming Events and Conferences
CapCUE TechFest - September 28th
Natomas Charter School, Sacramento
Fall CUE - October 25-26
American Canyon High School, Napa
$120 CUE members/$160 non-members (includes membership)
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