Chromebook and TTUSD meet! |
September 9-13, 2013
1:1 Prototype Projects around TTUSD
All 8th grade students will be receiving a Samsung Chromebook to allow technology to be seamlessly integrated through their classes. Approximately 250 and 13 teachers will be participating! The Chromebook runs the Google Chrome web browser which allows students to use Google Apps for Education. It is an "anywhere anytime" learning device. Sierra High students are also participating in a 1:1 with Samsung Chromebooks replacing their Netbooks they have been using for the last four years.
Flipping the Classroom
You may have heard about "flipping" the classroom (what is flipping?) and the benefits of infusing technology into instruction and student learning. This week I learned about Ms. Burrill's (THS) online instructional videos. She is experimenting with archiving support videos on her school website through educreations. Check out this great example of how she supports students with technology! Thanks for sharing your learning Ms. Burrill!
Google Apps for Education
Many thanks to all of TTUSD for your patience and willingness to consider new ways of thinking as we transitioned to Google for email and productivity tools over the summer. Also, a BIG thank you to Arnie, Sergiu, Rob, and Bob in IT for facilitating the technical aspects of the transition. If you'd like to learn more about Google and the AWESOME collaborative tools they offer, the Google Gooru is a great place to start your journey.
You may have noticed new names showing up when you send an email from your Google Mail. If the name has a year (e.g. 2017) preceding the name, this is a student. As part of our Google rollout we are beginning student Google account prototypes. All student email is archived and students in grades 8 and under are only able to email within the domain. FAQ's about Student Google Accounts are here:
New TTUSD Website Update
TTUSD is preparing to deploy the new and improved district/school websites in late October. Here is a link to the new format, WARNING, content is being added and it is NOT ready for public view (click here to see the draft) - check it out!
All teachers will have their own webpage to post class information, bio, photos, and assignments, and etc. In November we will work on this website as part of our site visit. District departments and programs will also have pages on the new website.
Ed Tech PD Plan
The plan for Educational Technology PD districtwide is now posted on the PD page of the EduTech blog:
Tech Committee
The technology committee meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month and discusses Educational Technology districtwide. Each school is represented by a site-LITE (Leaders Integrating Technology in Education). District administrators and community members also attend regularly. Let us know if you have a burning item for us to discuss!
Blog(s) of the Week
What is a blog? Wikipedia defines a blog as a "...discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first)." It is a perfect way for students, and teachers to share thinking with an audience. Many blogging tools (e.g. blogger, wordpress) can even be used as an easy to use website or content management system. Most of the time they are collaborative and offer a way to respond with feedback, commentary, or conversation on the blog "post." Find a blog that relates to your hobby, passion, subject or content area. Load them into a RSS feed reader like Feedly and you will have new posts from all your favorite blogs delivered to you in one place. We'll include a blog each week that we have found to be helpful in our professional journey!
This week we would like to highlight three of our TTUSD bloggers. Mr. Halvorsen, technology teacher at THS has been blogging for over a year and encourages his students to do the same in his new class, "All Things Google." Check out his blog at
Dr. Leri created his first blog at the CUE Rockstar Summer Camp this summer at ACMS, and is hooked! Check out his leadership blog.
Another TTUSD Blogger is Principal Teresa Rensch of North Tahoe School. She has been inspired by the opportunities provided by the common core transition and is claiming her digital footprint at
Do you have a blog you follow or know of a colleague who blogs? Let us know as we'd love to feature them on "This Week in Tech"
Podcast of the Week
Another great way to participate in the ongoing conversation in education is to listen to podcasts. They are great to listen to in the car while commuting! The Google Educast is produced by a group of teachers and Google Certified Educators who use Google tools in their classroom every day. Check them out every Thursday at
Upcoming Conferences
CapCUE TechFest - September 28th
Natomas Charter School, Sacramento
Fall CUE - October 25-26
American Canyon High School, Napa
$120 CUE members/$160 non-members (includes membership)
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